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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 160

Chapter 160

The faint scent of sandalwood wafted over.

Behind the table was a screen with a drawing of a lady-in-waiting from historical times. The melodious harmony was coming from behind the screen.

The servers poured the two of them cups of tea before leaving the room.

Lucas let the beautiful music carry him away. His slender fingers softly tapped the tabletop in tandem with the rhythm.

Hera carefully blew on her steaming cup of tea as she watched the handsome Lucas.

When they entered the tea house, she had caught sight of several female customers and employees gazing at her with envy.

She could not help but revel in being the object of their jealousy.

She adored being the center of attention.

If only... We could stay like this forever.

As time slipped away, the harp continued to play, its tune just as captivating as ever.

After some time, Hera became impatient and huffed, “Lucas, do you think she’s just out to waste our time? It’s been over an hour and she still hasn’t shown her face.”

“Quiet.” Lucas shushed her expressionlessly.

He could discern wisps of loneliness threaded through the dulcet song.

The legendary genius of Ms. Saunders is in a league of its own. She might be the only person with the ability to comprehend it.

Suddenly, the music changed. It was now brash and ferocious. The sound barraged its listeners from all directions with its intensely brutal melody. The overwhelming gravity of the music’s aggression would ensnare anyone.

Lucas furrowed his brow. Ms. Saunders sure is...

At this moment, a sharp note marked the end of the music. The room fell silent.

Lucas’s cold lips murmured, “Ms. Saunders, my name is Lucas Nolan. You were introduced to me by Ashlyn Berry and Mrs. Field. We come before you with nothing but respect.”

The server from before knocked on the door before stepping into the room. He respectfully gestured towards Lucas and said, “Mr. Nolan, please come with me.”

As such, Lucas and Hera were led by the server to the other side of the screen.


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