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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 165

Chapter 165

“Hah! Even Lucas doesn’t deserve Ashlyn, let alone our son. Lucas is a divorcee, while Joseph is useless. So neither of them is good enough.” Fae snorted.

My mom blatantly despises me!

Joseph let out a wail. “Mom, just how amazing Ashlyn is? Am I really your biological son?”

Fae reached out to poke his face. “Of course you’re my biological son, but Ashlyn is better. She accompanies me to go shopping, tea time, concert, and she even plays piano together with me. What about you?”

“Mom, could it be that Ashlyn has an ulterior motive?” Joseph mumbled.

My mom has been bewitched after meeting Madeline Saunders two years ago. At home, she talks about Ashlyn all the time, and Ashlyn is the best and the wisest person in her eyes. Anyone who says a word against Ashlyn is her enemy.

She’s comparable to those fanatic fans who blindly chase after their idol.

“Cut the nonsense,” Fae said through gritted teeth while glaring at her son. “Ashlyn has never once asked us for anything, but we always ask for her help. Look at these paintings on our wall. Each one is worth over ten million, but Ashlyn has given them to us for free!”

Joseph bit his tongue as he looked around at the walls full of Madeline Saunders’ paintings.

We can’t have too much of a good thing. It can be tiresome no matter how artistic they are.

“You two should stop bickering. Please ask Ashlyn whether she’s free on Friday night,” James urged them before heading upstairs to continue working.

When he came upstairs, his assistant called him. “Mr. Field, regarding the Haddock Group’s case, Zero informed us that the Haddock Group fell for the trick.”

“That’s fast,” James said in surprise.

“Yes, but Zero still needs to investigate further to find out the actual situation.”

“Please keep in touch with the secret society. We’ll pump in extra funds if it’s insufficient, as long as we can get hold of the criminal evidence of the Haddock Group,” James said in a steady voice.


After hanging up the phone, James looked out the window at the night sky with an enigmatic look in his eyes.


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