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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Ashlyn was already walking for five minutes now. She had made it out of the villa district but was not able to hail a cab yet.

She was feeling irritated when her phone rang insistently.

It was Lucas. She pressed the answer button.

“Where did you go, damn it?”

The cold voice that reached her ears conveyed its master’s unamused mood quite adequately.

“What do you want?” Ashlyn’s tone was even ruder than Lucas’s.

Holding his phone to his ear, Lucas’s expression darkened noticeably. He was carrying a bag of fresh seafood that he bought from the morning market.

He had decided to go to the market this morning to buy fresh seafood just for Ashlyn.

And yet, this was how she decided to repay him, by vanishing without so much a single explanation.

When he returned to the villa and found the house empty, he flew into a terrible mood.

He went through a rapid series of emotions, ranging from frustration, irritation, panic, and maybe even the slightest hint of disappointment.

That led to him calling Ashlyn immediately.

“Where are you?”

“Going home.”

Hearing Ashlyn’s annoyed voice inexplicably made Lucas feel better. “Home? What home? Your home is right here.”

He put the bag of fresh seafood into the kitchen, striding to the living room to pick up his car keys before heading out. “I’m coming to fetch you now.”

Well, I don’t need you to. Ashlyn was about to retort when she heard Lucas end the call. The beeping sound of the disconnect tone reached her ears.

He hung up on her, just like that. Ashlyn was furious, but she put her phone into her pocket and continued walking forward, hoping that she could find a cab before Lucas got here.

Unfortunately for her, the surrounding areas were entirely villa districts. Cabs were rarely seen here, if ever.

In the distance, Ashlyn could already see Lucas’s Bentley speeding towards her. He pulled up beside her with a loud screech.


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