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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Henry Golding was slightly disappointed by the unexpectedly bleak reception of him by Ashlyn Berry. He had always thought that he would be well-liked by everyone wherever he went. “Tell me, Ashlyn. Am I ugly?”

Ashlyn sized Henry up. In her opinion, he was actually quite cute. If not for his horrendous outfit, he could have been quite a dashing little prince.

Hence, she replied truthfully, “You’re not ugly, but you dress ugly.”

A grin broke up on Henry’s face almost at once. “Then how do you think I should dress?”

Thank God it’s not because I am ugly!

“Um, maybe something like what Blair is wearing now.” Ashlyn pointed at Blair. He only had a white singlet and a pair of jeans on. Together with his white Vans, Blair looked like a girl’s teenage crush in high school.

But Henry could not agree with Ashlyn. “You want me to dress like Blair? He dresses like a homeless man!”

Blair was offended by Henry’s remarks on his appearance. “Hey, shut your mouth!”

“Are you guys still playing?” Tinsor was tired of Henry being at the center of attention, especially now that Ashlyn was with them. Tsk. Do you even know her?

Kill me please.

Stop being such a suck-up.

Ashlyn saw the boys quarreling among themselves and couldn’t hold in her smile.

Now with a gentle grin on her face, her expression softened a lot.

The few youngsters caught sight of her unintentional smile and were awestruck.

“Oh my Ashlyn, you are a goddess!” Henry quickly responded.

All of these youngsters had older siblings to dote on them. Thus, they were quite outspoken and playful.

Certainly, they had seen a lot of pretty girls before.

In fact, they were even friends with many influencers or celebrities around their age.

However, none of the people they met before had exuded such a dignified aura around them as Ashley had.

After everyone sat at the table, the game of cards began. Ashlyn was the first player to make a move. After rearranging her deck, Ashlyn smiled as she played her hand.

Tinsor howled in dismay right away. “Oh shucks, my hand is smaller than that!”

However, even though the youngsters were off to a rough start, they were able to play a few hands that somewhat impressed Ashlyn.

Still, Ashlyn won the round of poker.

Ashlyn slapped her cards on the table. Plush!

“It can’t be!”


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