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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 247

Chapter 247

Even as the plane rose high up in the skies and into the clouds, Ashlyn’s voice still echoed in his mind.

Woah, my love, my darling

I’ve hungered for your touch

She had never sung for him before.

Jealousy was a ravenous monster that swallowed him relentlessly. He felt like he could go mad with it.

He never knew she was so good at singing.

In his opinion, she was even better than those so-called artists.

Her crooning voice caressed his ears and he could not help recalling the soft moans she made when they were engaged in passionate activities.

Unbidden, arousal flared in him.

Sucking in a deep breath, he calmed himself and focused his attention back on flying the plane properly.


At the studio hall.

All the performers arrived early in the morning for their practice.

Lisa sidled up to Ashlyn. “Ms. Berry, you’re quite amazing to be able to direct such a huge program. You’re also on good terms with Ms. Saunders, right? Wouldn’t it be even better if you could invite her over to help out as well? With the both of you at the helm, I’m sure Gala Night this year will become a night people will remember forever.”

“Ms. Langley, how is your dance practice coming along? Do you know all the moves yet?” Ashlyn raised an eyebrow at the other woman.

“C’mon, Ms. Berry. We’re friends, aren’t we? Cut me some slack and don’t be so strict on me all the time.” Glancing around quickly, Lisa surreptitiously pushed a small gold bar into Ashlyn’s hand.

With smooth and even surfaces, the gold bar was clearly a minted bar. Based on the weight, Ashlyn estimated it would be worth at least ten thousand.

Lips twitching into a smile, she raised her voice and called out, “Ms. Langley wants to treat everyone to milk tea from Imperial Hotel!”

As she said that, she tossed the gold bar up and down in the air.

Lisa’s face paled and she stammered out, “Ms. Berry, y-you - !”


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