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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Soon, moans traveled out of the room.

Early in the morning.

Hera slowly opened her eyes to find herself lying on a sofa in a private room. Beside her lay several rakish men.

Those men were completely naked, sprawling over various pieces of furniture.

Bottles of beers were littered across the floor, and the room was a mess.

There was a pungent scent that enveloped the room.

Hera stared in disbelief.

When she lowered her head, she was stupefied.

Her body was aching, hickeys and scratch marks were scattered across her body. Both her hair and body had the same stinking scent of the room.

Her clothes were strewn on the floor.

There was a certain part of her body that was exceptionally sore.

Without needing to make a guess, she knew what had happened to her.

She had been gang raped by those perverts after she was drugged.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she stared at her surroundings in a daze.

She was numbed by the ache in her heart.

Why? Why did this happen to me?

Like a mindless puppet, she picked up her clothes from the floor and dressed herself. Then, before the few men woke up, she stumbled her way out of the private room.

As she fled, her tears spilled onto the ground, leaving her for the rest of her life, just like her body that she would never get back.

Hera did not know how she had gotten home.

She was glad that no one was home.

The only one around was the maid.

She swiftly locked herself in her room. It was only after a hot shower then did some of her calmness return to her.

She started contemplating about the person behind the incident. Yet, she could not come up with a name even after a long while of thinking.


It’s Ashlyn?

She had not crossed anyone else but Ashlyn recently.

As she had exhausted herself the night before, she soon fell asleep without knowing it.


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