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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 281

Chapter 281

Lucas put on a pair of shades as well before opening the door.

Ashlyn was stunned when she saw what he was wearing. They were wearing a matching set of shades, like for couples.

There was no way Lucas would admit to personally selecting these shades for that exact purpose.

Perhaps it was because they were in a foreign country now but the tenseness between them seemed to have relaxed quite a bit.

Grabbing her hand, he tugged her forward as they headed outside.

“Stop pulling. I can walk on my own,” she stated in an annoyed tone.

“This is called holding hands. It’s something couples do.” He lifted his other hand to stroke her long, silky hair.

“We’re not a couple,” she retorted blandly.

He did not say anything in response to that.

It was true.

They had already divorced so they were not even a couple.

The two of them fell silent after that.

Coincidentally, there was a hospital nearby so it only took ten minutes for them to get there.

The doctor reapplied the medicine before prescribing Ashlyn some other ointments.

Standing off to the side, Lucas’ brows were furrowed deeply as he asked in a cold tone, “How long will it take for her to fully recover?”

“Around a week or so. She should heal quite fast if she applies the ointment daily. Luckily, she didn’t injure her bones,” the doctor reassured.

Ashlyn thanked the man politely and they left.

They strolled down the streets of Serbia, enjoying the beautiful scenery as they went. The local food was an interesting change from what they were used to.

After wandering around for the rest of the morning, they had a nice lunch before getting ready to head back to the hotel.

They hailed a taxi and climbed inside. A little tired, Ashlyn leaned her head against Lucas’ shoulder and fell asleep.

He lowered his gaze and did not remove it from her sleeping visage until they arrived at the hotel.

Reluctant to wake her up, he swept her into his arms and carried her inside.

The rest of the flight crew were just leaving to head out for lunch. Exiting the elevator, they were astounded to see their captain carrying Ashlyn in.

“So cool!”

“He’s so handsome!”


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