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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 283

Chapter 283

“Don’t you all have better to do? What are you still standing around for?”

The frosty voice of Lucas cut through the daze the crew was in.

“Captain Nolan, Ms. Berry, please enjoy your dinner.”

“We’ll be heading back to our rooms first, Captain.”

With that, the crew slunk away.

Now this was the icy Lucas they were used to. For a moment, they wondered if that man who had stolen the cake off the woman’s plate was another man entirely.

Jenny did not know how she managed to return to her room.

Her legs felt like lead as she dragged herself along while her heart ached dully in her chest.

The pain was enough to push her to the brink of a mental breakdown.

She clenched her fists tightly, fighting to hold back her tears.

Jealousy, hate, anger, bitterness, everything that was negative welled in her and threatened to swallow her up.

What right does that Ashlyn woman have to Lucas’ heart?

Back at the restaurant.

Lucas’ eyes were locked on the steak on Ashlyn’s plate, a greedy gleam in them.

She had just cut a small bite and brought it to her mouth when she raised her head and noticed the man staring at her. At her steak, to be more precise.

“I want some.”

His tone was demanding, like a petulant child asking for a cookie.

Ashlyn was well aware that he was an incredibly picky eater with a poor appetite to boot.

Thus, she pushed her steak toward him. “There, you can have it.”

Satisfied, he began to cut up the steak happily, leaving her to shake her head in exasperation.

She got up and prepared to get another portion for herself when he tugged her back down. “You can eat mine.”

His eyes were shining with pleasure. The intimacy that came from sharing and exchanging foods was a feeling he really liked.

The cold and apathetic expression that normally graced his face was nowhere to be seen.


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