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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 294

Chapter 294

“I’ll take a look.” She immediately downloaded the documents.

“Boss, you’ve finally appeared,” Jared replied quickly. “If not, I’d be searching through every nook and cranny in H Nation to look for you!”

“Don’t worry, let me take a look first.” Ashlyn replied with a slight annoyance.

“Who are you talking to?” Lucas’ enchanting voice suddenly piped up from above her.

Lucas felt rather vexed as he looked at her. From the moment they alighted from the airplane and boarded the Bentley, she had been holding onto her phone and typing non-stop.

He could not handle the thought of her chatting with another man.

It made him extremely uncomfortable, to the point that he wanted to snatch her phone from her, throw it outside and have it smashed to smithereens.

There was a cold air on his handsome face while his gaze became overcast.

However, Ashlyn had completely ignored the jealous freak that he had turned into and continued to look at the factory blueprint.

This was related to the production plant’s safety and productivity.

Lucas gritted his teeth with such anger, his molars were about to be gnashed into pieces.

“Is it Jared or is it Winsor? Hmm?”

Ashlyn looked up confusedly and saw Lucas gritting his teeth. His veins were popping and it was clear that he was about to burst with anger.

She pointed out some problem areas to Jared and put away her phone while looking confused. “What’s that face all about?”

“Say it!” Lucas suddenly reached out and pressed her shoulders forcefully. He was overcome by a fit of possessive jealousy as if she would run away any moment now. “Who were you talking to? You barely noticed me but there you were chatting so affectionately to someone else!”

Ashlyn blinked her beautiful almond-shaped eyes and gave a huge slap to his palm. Instantly, a red mark formed on the back of his hand.


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