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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 305

Chapter 305

She had her gaze on the shuddering nurse, asking, “Tell me what’s going on.”

“I...” The nurse was about to summarize the incident, but Mary got ahead of her and broke the silence, yelling, “Ashlyn, do you have any idea what she has done behind our back? She’s gossiping with the other nurses behind us! Are you sure this kind of nurse is allowed to work at the hospital? We asked her Grandma’s whereabouts, and yet she paid no heed to our query! I want to lodge a complaint against her with your supervisor! I want her to get fired immediately!”

Mary knew she wouldn’t be able to take things out on Ashlyn, but she could at least vent her anger on the nurse.

Ashlyn frowned, staring at Mary, and replied callously, “I’m sorry, but you have no authority over the employees of the hospital! Guards, stop standing around idly! Chase them out of the hospital at once!”

“What did you say?” Mary’s eyes widened in disbelief, asking because she couldn’t believe her ears. “Huh? I’m your stepmother. I was the one who had brought you up over the years. Is this how you’re repaying me? How dare you side with an outsider against me? Ashlyn, I want to lodge a complaint against you as well! You don’t deserve to be a doctor either!”

In return, Ashlyn replied nonchalantly, “Seriously? Is threatening others by using the same excuses over and over again the only thing you’re capable of? Can you please entertain me with something new?”

Finally, Horace got in Ashlyn’s way because the guards were about to chase Mary out of the hospital as instructed, “Ashlyn, can you take the fact that we’re a family into consideration and show some respect to your stepmother?”

Ashlyn scoffed, sneering, “Have you taken the fact that Grandma is also part of the family into consideration? Have you taken the fact that I’m part of the family into consideration? Have you no shame at all? How could you leverage on our relationship only when you need it?”

After she finished her sarcastic remarks, she repeated herself and instructed the guards, “Chase every one of them out of the hospital at once! Get them out of my sight immediately!”

“I’m a nurse affiliated with the hospital! You’re not allowed to chase me out of the hospital!” The fact her sister wielded influence over the guards of the hospital took Penelope by surprise. In fact, the one who had shown up was none other than the captain of the security guards.

He took note of Ashlyn’s instructions obediently and proceeded to chase the trio from the Berry family out of the hospital.

Penelope got worked up against the captain of the guards. Then, she yelled pointing at him, “Are you having an affair with Ashlyn? Why are you taking instructions from her?”


Ashlyn slapped Penelope in the face. Consequently, a loud sound echoed at the entrance of the emergency room.


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