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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 312

Chapter 312

When she ran into her grandmother curling up on the bed in the attic of the Berry Residence, she almost broke down into tears. In fact, she could barely resist the strong urge she felt to teach the trios from the Berry family a lesson.

Nonetheless, the rational part of her reminded her of the fact that Horace was her biological father. No matter what sort of sins her father had committed against her grandmother, she couldn’t deny the fact they were biologically related.

If it were a stranger who had bullied her grandmother, she could easily teach them a lesson, beating them to a pulp.

However, the person involved was her father. Even though she couldn’t beat him to a pulp, she could easily ruin his life.

Ashlyn had made up her mind to teach her father a lesson despite their relationship.

A black Bentley whizzed through the isolated highway in the middle of the night.

Lucas turned around to stare at the woman by his side, trying to figure out the things the woman had in her mind.

“Let’s return to Whitland Villa because I’m pretty sure your friends in Bayview Villa are sleeping soundly now. For their sake, we shouldn’t get in their way and interrupt their sleep.”

“Since when has the wellbeing of Jared and his subordinates become your concern? Don’t you find yourself hilarious for making such a remark?” Ashlyn frowned.

She couldn’t believe her ears because the man had gone to great lengths, including telling a blunt lie, just because he wanted to bring her back to his place.

Did he seriously tell me that was for the sake of others? To begin with, he has never been such a caring man!

Lucas wasn’t angry even though Ashlyn had exposed his lie. Instead, he beamed his reply, “You can always turn me down if that’s what you want.”

Suddenly, Ashlyn turned around and looked at the man because it felt as though the man, whom she loved wholeheartedly when they got married, had returned.

What the hell is going on? He would get extremely irritated if I were to turn down his request back in the day, but he ain’t angry at all today.

On the other hand, Spencer, who had always been the most observant one, noticed the change in Lucas’ mood.

It was evident that Lucas was in a great mood. Actually, throughout the four years of their marriage, Lucas was in a great mood most of the time.

Therefore, Lucas’ subordinates, including Spencer, thought Lucas was a very nice person.

However, things had taken a drastic turn of events ever since they filed for divorce. Lucas was often in a foul mood, depending on Ashlyn’s behavior.

Since Lucas had spent half of his time throughout the night by Ashlyn’s side, and another half of it chit-chatting with Susan, he was in a great mood.

Therefore, the wrathful and fearsome Lucas was nowhere to be found. Instead, the gentle and caring Lucas had taken over.

I’m pretty sure it won’t last forever because he’ll return to the wrathful and fearsome self soon once Ms. Berry cast him aside.

Spencer had concluded that Ashlyn was Lucas’ mainstay. However, Lucas wasn’t aware of the fact, or rather he refused to acknowledge the fact.


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