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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 324

Chapter 324

An air of hostility permeated the car. Spencer felt himself trembling while seated at the driver’s seat. “Go now,” said Lucas curtly. Hearing that, Spencer breathed a sigh of relief and started the car.

Their Bentley moved and turned around the corner, but little did they know that a group of black-clad men was sneaking up and approaching Bayview Villa under the cover of the night.

It was in the dead of the night. Deathly silent. Every living creature in the area seemed to have fallen asleep.

The group of well-trained men in black slipped unnoticed into the villa.

They crept in one by one, making sure each of their members made it in. Then, they prepared themselves to split up to head to their respective objectives.


Suddenly, all the lights in the villa came on. The whole villa immediately lit up like a Christmas tree.

The men in black stopped in their tracks, totally caught off-guard. Their eyes zoomed in on a woman dressed in black in the middle of the living room.

The slender woman wore a long, black trench coat. An air of mystery and cold indifference surrounded her.

Her jet-black hair reached her waist. Her eyes were shielded by her bangs. Yet, one could still feel the bone-chilling gaze emanating from the depths of her eyes.

The sudden dazzle of lights made her squint.

Having sat in the dark for too long, her eyes were not accustomed to the abrupt flood of the lightings.

Her cold gaze scanned every direction, marking the position of every intruder that had made it in.

She curled her lips, and with half-closed eyelids, uttered snidely, “Seems like you all have high expectations of me to send so many assassins to kill me tonight. I feel honored.”

The leader of the intruders squeezed his fingers. Who was this woman?

From her looks, instead of them ambushing her, she seemed to be the one waiting for them from the start!

Ashlyn raised her eyes callously, focusing on the assailants ahead of her unblinkingly; a cold determination escaped her looks.

Her sharp, unflinching stare shot straight at the leader of the intruders. He felt her murderous gaze piercing him and took a step back in horror. He immediately steeled himself, even though his heart was beating wildly. Such a terrifying presence!

Just then, he remembered that he had accepted a huge sum of money for this job from the Haddock Group. Hence, he was determined and he took out his handgun to aim at Ashlyn.

Grasping the gun brought him a sense of security. He calmed his mind to focus on the job. “I’m sorry. Someone wants you dead. Don’t blame me as I’m merely doing my job.”

Ashlyn remained seated, her red lips twitching slightly as she sneered, “So they sent a bunch of useless trash? You are not even worthy.”

Sensing the insult, the man angrily threatened, “What did you just say? You’d better believe that I can kill you with just one shot!”

After all, he was the leader of one of the famous clandestine gangs in Lake City, respected by his lackeys and others.


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