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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 326

Chapter 326

“Ms. Berry, are you okay?” The captain of the investigation team looked with concern at the woman currently sitting on the sofa. She exuded a high-and-mighty air akin to that of a royalty.

“I’m okay.” Ashlyn smirked. “They are the ones in trouble.”

As the investigation continued, several forensic scientists and crime scene officers began to scour the scene for clues as to the identity of the deceased.

When it was discovered that the deceased was the leader of the gang whom they had issued an arrest warrant for, they exclaimed in astonishment, “Captain! The deceased turned out to be Wagner!”

“What did you just say?” The captain gingerly hurried over, immediately recognizing the deceased as Wagner. Taking a glance at the dying deputy leader to confirm his deduction, he broke out into a joyous grin. “Ms. Berry, thank you for your assistance in taking down this gang of violent criminals!”

They were doing all sorts of evils - from murders to arsons to robberies. Sadly, the police could not find any hard shreds of evidence on their crimes.

This time, however, it had been a great pleasure to nab them all at once.

For the deputy leader who had committed a homicide, he would be spending a long time languishing in prison.

“No... no...” the poor man tried futilely to explain that he did not murder his leader.

But the excruciating pain akin to the breaking of a few ribs in his chest was preventing him from even completing a coherent sentence.

Three o’clock early morning on that very day.

The peaceful Lake City issued a seemingly innocuous Tweet.

“During the dead of the night, the police solved a robbery case and the robbers were caught red-handed. During the division of their gains, the robbers had a falling-out and a nasty internal fight broke out, resulting in one death and one serious injury. I would like to thank Ms. Ashlyn Berry for helping us to apprehend all 37 suspects at the scene. Due to Ms. Berry’s contributions, she would be receiving a medal for her bravery as well as an honorary certificate!”

Early next morning, the peace in Lake City was shattered.

The whole online world was in a furor.

“What the... ! What’s going on? I just slept for one night and now look at what I had missed!”

“How did Ashlyn help the police solve another case?”

“Last time she helped to arrest a kidnapper to save a child. This time she helped to arrest a bunch of robbers. Is there anything she can’t do?”

“She should just be a freelance police staff.”

“A beautiful lady who knows martial arts. Oh, how she has stolen my heart! Stab me now!”


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