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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 335

Chapter 335

She could feel the cold seeping into her body.

The silence was sheer torment.

She restricted all her movements and stayed motionless on the floor.

Out of a sudden!

The door opened loudly.

Janet was scared and she cautiously stared at the entrance.

She saw a dark-skinned and obese guy approached her.

He stood in front of her and gazed ferociously with his eyes half-closed.

“You’re a gorgeous woman,” he commended.

A strong stench of alcohol permeated the air.

Janet was disgusted and she could barely hold her puke.

Her pale face glanced at the man, “What do you want...”

“My superiors forbid me from touching you. However, it will be a shame if I don’t savor such a delicacy!” The fat man was squatting in front of her.

However, he lost his balance and fell towards her.

Janet who was curled up at the corner of the wall was not prepared. Before she realized it, the fat man clumsily fell flat on her.

The back of her head hit on the wall directly. The agonizing pain made her feel like she could see stars around her.

Her hands were tied up and she could not release herself from the restraints.

She struggled to break free from the rope that held her hands tightly.

However, it was a futile exercise.

The disgusting stench of alcohol attacked her senses and she was overwhelmed with the atrocious smell.

She held her breath and wanted to scream for help. Meanwhile, the fat man’s mouth started to linger on her neck.

“Go away! Don’t do this!” she yelled in distress, “Somebody please help me!”


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