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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 338

Chapter 338

Janet was the victim of the kidnap, so the cops took her words seriously, as they were solid pieces of evidence to help solve the case.

Chief Chase turned to the said cop with a serious expression. “Continue the interrogation and dig out the truth! This is simply atrocious of them to kidnap Ms. Smith in broad daylight!”

After Janet was done recording her statement, Russell immediately brought her home.

The day was breaking as the first light of dawn peeked out over the horizon.

With her exceptional hacking skills, Ashlyn had managed to get her hands on the files for Janet’s case.

According to the records, the criminals did not ask for any ransom, and there was only this fat man who tried to rape Janet.

In fact, when Ashlyn broke into the room, the other men were all fast asleep and only one was awake to patrol the place.

This is a weird kidnap case.

Usually kidnappers were either employed to murder, or they just want the ransom. Either way, they all do so for money.

Does that mean these people have other motives behind the kidnap?

They will release Janet on the day after tomorrow...

Unable to think further, Ashlyn closed the file and left to take a shower.

Tomorrow would be the D-day for the Gala Night. Ashlyn desperately needed a good sleep to keep herself fresh for the event.

By the time Ashlyn woke up, it was already 4 PM.

She reached for her phone on the table and realized there were quite a few missed calls, all from Pierre and the other co-producers.

Ashlyn checked her WhatsApp immediately, which was bombarded by messages from the co-producers and the performers.

She decided to call Pierre first. “Hello.”

On the other side, Pierre raised his brows at her hoarse voice. “Ms. Berry, are you still in bed?”

“I just woke up. Why?” Ashlyn narrowed her eyes. Her brain was still groggy after waking up.

“We have all arrived at the Concert Hall for the final rehearsal. Any suggestions or changes you would like to make before the performance?”

“Oh, ok. Give me half an hour and I’ll be there.” Ashlyn hung up the phone and replied to her messages before getting out of bed to wash up.

Within a matter of minutes, she was done washing up.


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