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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 36

Chapter 35

“Mr. Nolan, empty threats won’t work on me,” Winsor snorted and instructed the driver to leave.

Tinsor swept his fringe aside like a model in a shampoo advertisement and winked at Ashlyn. “We’ll meet again, my goddess.”

This was followed by a bam!

Winsor had grabbed Tinsor back into the car and slammed the door shut. He ordered, “Drive!”

Tinsor yelled in pain, “Argh! Winsor, it hurts...”

Ring... A familiar ringtone sounded.

When Ashlyn checked the caller ID, her gaze turned cold as ice. She said, “Mr. Nolan, I have urgent matters to do. Farewell.”

Then, she headed to the Land Rover. Anderson took the driver’s seat while Harrison pulled the door open for her in a gentlemanly manner.

Lucas’ face fell. Damn it! What is their relationship with her?

“Hello?” Ashlyn finally picked up the phone after the caller called thrice.

“Ashlyn, your grandmother misses you a lot. Will you come back to visit her?” Horace Berry, Ashlyn’s father, inquired. Although he was asking her nicely, she could tell that he would not stop pestering her until she agreed.

“I’ll think about it.” Ashlyn dismissed him.

“Your grandma has always doted on you since young. Are you really not going to come back?” Horace attacked her soft spot for her grandmother.

If it were not for the fact that he must meet Ashlyn this time, he would not have bothered calling his temperamental daughter.

“The one who loves me is Grandma, not you. Don’t use her as an excuse, got it?” Ashlyn snapped in an intimidating tone.

Horace suppressed his anger and pleaded, “Ashlyn, I know you hate me, but your grandma has really fallen ill this time. Are you not going to visit her even when she’s sick?”

“You’ve used that excuse countless times already. I’m afraid you’re the only excuse of a man in this world who would curse his own mother like that,” Ashlyn sneered.

Horace felt like smashing his phone when he heard this, but he continued, “I’m not lying this time, your grandma really is ill. She’s getting old and she has a poor constitution.”


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