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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Ashlyn walked into the room at that moment.

She was wearing a white coat and exuded a serene aura. The blue face mask remained stuck on her face, so her beautiful eyes were the only thing shown.

After examining Mr. Chapman, Ashlyn informed, “Your body is recovering well, and you can be discharged now. The nurse will help you with the paperwork.”

Hera glared at Ashlyn in distaste. The former felt like her world was shattered when she found out that Ashlyn was Madeline Saunders.

Hera had always wanted to be Madeline Saunders’ apprentice, and that hope would never be fulfilled.

That made Hera hate Ashlyn even more.

Regardless, Hera still wanted to be the Chapman family’s heir.

That was why she had been dropping by the hospital that frequently. She needed to get on Mr. Chapman’s good side.

When Hera saw Ashlyn wearing that white coat and examining Mr. Chapman’s condition, Hera’s eyes burned with fury. Her furious gaze would land on Ashlyn every now and then.

Ashlyn was observant, and she sensed Hera’s dark gaze, but the former couldn’t be bothered to even look at the loser she beat.

After exiting Mr. Chapman’s room. Ashlyn headed straight to Arthur’s.

It was early in the morning, but Dixon had already brought Arthur to the hospital and did all the paperwork for the man to stay there.

A bunch of nurses, doctors, and interns followed closely behind Ashlyn as they marched in.

Arthur lay weakly on the bed. When he heard the commotion, he slowly opened his eyes.

He was stunned when he saw the medical experts around him.

He was especially in shock when he saw a young woman leading the team. He bitterly and sadly assumed that Dixon had intentionally hired a terrible doctor to torture him.

Ashlyn asked Arthur a few questions before she turned to her team and instructed, “Do a full body check-up. All previous medical history is to be regarded as reference only.”

“Understood, Dr. Berry.”

“Report the results to me as soon as they are in,” Ashlyn instructed so sternly that no one could disobey her.


Arthur was stunned once more.

He had met hundreds of people, but throughout his years, he hadn’t met a doctor that powerful and young before.


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