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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 396

Chapter 396

Mr. Granger lowered the file in his hands. “I didn’t expect her to still be at First Hospital in Lake City.”

“Even though University T can’t compare to her alma mater, we can still invite her to give a lecture. I just don’t know if she’s managed to detoxify the poison,” responded Principal Potter as he looked worriedly out of the window.

Ashlyn graduated from Zenith University - the best university in H Nation. She became famous after publishing a world-class paper before she even graduated. Such news shook the entire medical community.

But after graduation, Ashlyn simply vanished. Nobody knew where she went.

Even her name and photo on the honor roll of the medical university had disappeared from the list of honorary alumni.

Ashlyn was gone as quickly as she came, and like the wind, she left without a trace.

“Now that we’ve determined Ms. Berry to be the genius, why don’t we just invite her to give the last lecture before graduation?” Mr. Granger could not help but make the suggestion.

“I’ll need to see to this invitation personally. You should come with me. Oh, do ask the director of teaching and vice-principal to tag along,” ordered the principal.

“Yes, Sir. Right away,” responded Mr. Granger before standing up. “About Graduation Night... “

“We’ll talk about that tomorrow. Let’s deal with the lecture first.”

Meanwhile, in Ashlyn’s office at the hospital, Ashlyn’s face was flushed with passion as her apricot-shaped eyes stared at a satisfied man.

With his legs crossed, a man sat lazily on the sofa, gently swiping his phone screen with his long, slender fingers.

“Shouldn’t you be out?” asked Ashlyn harshly, whose back was sore and painful.

The man was a wild animal in bed, though he did not look like it. He now looked like Prince Charming who could only be found in fairy tales. Of course, that was only his physical appearance.

The ‘animal’, Lucas, lifted his head and looked at Ashlyn who was sitting behind her desk with his coal-black eyes. The woman’s features were exquisite and her gorgeous lips that were now swollen because of his kisses looked alluring. She was looking down at a medical record as a strand of her hair hung at the side of her face, making her look all the more amorous.

Lucas could not help himself as he stood up and approached Ashlyn. He then reached out to pull that strand of hair and wrapped it playfully around his finger.

Annoyed, Ashlyn lifted her head to glare at Lucas. “Let go!”

“You’re making me feel like I failed to satisfy you just now. Why the temper, honey?” Lucas asked with a smirk.


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