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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 62

Chapter 61

Ashlyn landed on the ground gently before resuming the fight with Henry.

Henry launched a barrage of attacks at her, but none of them managed to reach her.

On the other hand, Ashlyn was left completely unscathed.

Like everyone in the audience, Henry thought that he could defeat this woman with a single punch.

Now, he had no choice but to admit that this woman was strong.

Extremely strong!

I must win! I cannot lose!

It’s too humiliating to lose to a woman.

He leaped into the air all of a sudden and gripped Ashlyn’s waist tightly, trying to slam her against the ground.

However, Ashlyn grabbed his neck calmly and domineeringly.

As if her hands were made of steel, she gripped his neck tightly, making him feel as though he was going to suffocate.

He widened his eyes in fear. Without any doubt, he knew that this woman would break his neck at any given moment.

His strong will to live made him howl like a despaired beast, as he mustered all of his strength to fling Ashlyn’s body away.

The woman’s thin body landed heavily on the boxing ring.

However, as if she could not feel any pain, she jumped into the air immediately. Her actions were extremely fluid and skilled, causing the audience to feel amazed.

They felt like they were watching a martial arts blockbuster!

Having broken free from her restraint, Henry panted heavily. Before he could react, the woman had already sent him flying with a kick.

The 1.88-meter tall man, who was like a 110-kilogram rock, was kicked off the boxing ring like a sack of corn. The crowd surrounding the boxing ring tried to dodge frantically, afraid that they would be hit.

Henry’s body flew in the air, following a trajectory before landing on the ground. He fainted on the spot, with blood dribbling out of his mouth uncontrollably.

The medical team rushed over instantly, helped him up, and started to treat him urgently.

Lucas’ eyes were locked onto that familiar, slender figure on the boxing ring.

His heart kept pounding rapidly, threatening to leap out of his chest.

If it were not because of his young age, he might have had a heart attack, dying on the spot.

Who are you, Ashlyn?

How many secrets do you have?

Why would you know how to fight in such a fatal manner?

Everyone erupted into thunderous cheers!

“Kris! Kris!”

“She’s really Kris. Oh my God!”


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