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My extraordinary wife novel (Ashlyn and Lucas) novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Did She Actually Order Lucas Nolan To Do The Dishes

Cindy held the invitation card in her hands, staring at Lucas unwaveringly. If Lucas agreed to attend her birthday party, her status at Nolan Entertainment would definitely take another qualitative leap.

“Take it.” Lucas somehow agreed after looking back at the woman who was eating peacefully.

Louis accepted the invitation card. But deep down, he was feeling a little unhappy.

This woman looks petty, unlike Mrs. Nolan, who looks bright and generous. How could Mr. Nolan get involved with such a woman?

This woman’s ulterior motive cannot be any more obvious.

“Thank you, Mr. Nolan. I’ll see you there.” Cindy swept her eyes over to the shoe cabinet at the entrance. There were several pairs of branded lady shoes placed there.

Rumor says that Mr. Nolan has a secret wife. It seems to be true. But is she not home? I’ve been standing here for so long. If she’s at home, then why didn’t she come out?

If any woman were to be Mr. Nolan’s wife, they probably won’t be able to stay calm upon hearing that a woman is looking for him.

However, she was wrong.

Ashlyn was simply too calm and collected. She had already eaten a piece of pancake and finished the pasta on her plate.

Turning around and putting the plate in the kitchen, she went straight upstairs after instructing, “Honey, remember to wash the plates.”

Cindy couldn’t help but crane her neck upon hearing the woman’s mellifluous voice. She only saw a slim figure and that the woman was tall and wearing silk pajamas. It was merely her back that she saw, but she found it beautiful and charming. But what was even more frightening—

Did she actually order Mr. Nolan to do the dishes?

Mr. Nolan’s a lofty and cold-blood president in the eyes of the public.

I can’t believe he would do such homely and humble things at home.

Just as Cindy was still in a daze, she heard the handsome man before her answering, “Okay, honey.”


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