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My Fabulous Girl Boss by Evergreen novel Chapter 325

Chapter 325

Kayson looked toward Shamaine and asked, “Which university are you attending now?” Shamaine answered shakily, “L… I go to Skyspring University…”

Kayson did not question further while Bo recognized Frederick. He could not refrain himself from saying, “Kayson, this is the heir of the North Fann Group, right?”

Kayson was unbothered. “Ah, that is possible. I heard that his father is one of the wealthiest tycoons in Northspring?”

Finnick’s chest tightened as he said, “Kayson, the North Fann Group is not a small company, but it is considered quite famous even in the whole of Skyriv.

“Moreover, the company is involved in many industries. Frederick is Mr. Fann’s favorite son, and you’re treating his son in this manner… “I’m afraid that Mr. Fann won’t let you off easily after how you treat his son. It’s going to be hard for you to leave Northspring!” Kayson was indifferent. “I would like to seek guidance from his father then.” Finnick and Bo exchanged glances, and they could not figure out what tricks Kayson had up his sleeve.

Frederick recognized Finnick too and said, “Mr. Sullivan, make him free me, quickly. I’m certain that my father has found out by now, and he will surely come for him!

“It will be too late by the time my father gets here!” Finnich shook his head. “It would be best for your father to come and solve this problem for


Even the chairman of the North Fann Group would not have the courage to easily offend a man capable of killing Fernando, right?


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