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My Fabulous Girl Boss by Evergreen novel Chapter 334

Chapter 334

The leader of the Millers was the Mr. Miller who had reached out to the Whitmans previously.

The person’s name was Falon Miller, and he had a huge influence in Skyriv.

Falon brought along a few important members of the Millers to meet the Whitmans. Falon said in all apparent seriousness, “Michael, you’re too close with Kayson!” Michael’s expression was unpleasant. “Mr. Miller—”

Falon waved his hand to interrupt Michael. “Sever all ties with Kayson immediately. Otherwise, you’ll be held responsible for implicating my family!” Hendrick let out a few coughs and said, “Mr. Miller, Kayson is quite a good person. Moreover, he’s highly skilled at treating his patients,”

Falon interrupted Hendrick once again with a nonchalant tone. “Mr. Whitman Sr., Kayson is bound to die today. It’s unnecessary for you to offend the Wolfendens, the Osborns, and Steelification Doyen for a dead man!”

Hendrick and his son had extremely unpleasant expressions! Noticing the situation, Falon dialed Kayson’s number before them right away. It did not take long before Kayson picked up the call. “Uncle Michael?” Falon said casually, “You’re Kayson, right? I’m Falon Miller, and you might have heard of me. From now on, the Whitmans are not tied to you in any way.

“As for your favor in saving Hendrick’s life, the Whitmans will be paying you $300,000,000. You may take it or leave it. All in all, all the past interactions shall be forgotten.” Kayson kept quiet for a moment before he replied coldly, “Ah.” Then, he took it upon himself to hang up the call. Falon was stunned. He looked at the phone screen in astonishment, his gaze tainted with a tinge of anger.


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