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My Fabulous Girl Boss by Evergreen novel Chapter 339

Chapter 339

Kayson walked out of the thick smoke, his face covered in ashes. He had used his energy to protect his body in time, but he still sustained some injuries.

“What a malicious man who detonated himself!” muttered Kayson. He was injured but not too severely. “Sir…”

The Allens, Wolfendens, Ian, and Chuck looked at Steelification Doyen, whose body was already a charred, bloody mess. ‘Steelification Doyen is dead! ‘How did this happen!?’

“How was his Titanium Technique broken?’

‘Someone apart from Tre-strike actually broke Steelification Doyen’s Titanium Technique!?! Ian and Chuck were relatively shocked by Steelification Doyen’s death. However, they felt terrified other than shocked. “You… You killed my mentor…” Chuck glared at Kayson with rage in his eyes. Kayson said in astonishment, “Huh? You tried to kill me, so isn’t it normal for me to kill you?”

Ian and Chuck’s expressions changed drastically at the same time. They were planning on running away, but how could Kayson let them off? Two silver needles enshrouded in lightning energy pierced through their heads as swift as lightning He could not break Steelification Doyen’s Titanium Technique with lightning energy, but he could easily kill these two men. Lincoln dropped to the ground, his face ghastly pale. Tuckson’s face was ashen with dejection because he realized the Allens were doomed. Kennedy and Konnor were trembling in fear and did not even have the courage to move. Kayson said, “Mr. Allen, I would like to take a shower at your convenience.”

Tuckson said shakily, “I shall take you there.”

A moment later, Kayson took the host seat in the living hall of the Allen mansion.

The members of the Allens and Wolfendens were trembling in fear.

Tuckson and his son led the other Allens to bow down toward Kayson. Tuckson said bitterly,” Master Yarde, I’m the one at fault in all this, and I deserve to die.

“However, my son and the Wolfendens haven’t made any big mistakes. Please show your magnanimity and spare their lives, Master Yarde.”

Kayson asked, “Why should I let you off the hook?” Tuckson said anxiously, “What would you like in compensation, Master Yarde? The Allens will


Kayson considered for a moment and asked, “How many properties do the Allens own?” Tuckson felt miserable on the inside but told the truth. Kayson was rendered speechless when he learned that the Allens’ properties in Clouspring had a market value of 30 to 40 billion dollars.

Kayson called up Michael and instructed him to assign people to take over the Allens properties. Kayson handed over the matter to Michael’s people so they could handle it once they arrived. Then, he summoned Kennedy and Konnor aside. The sons of the Wolfendens’ patriarch were already ghastly pale. “You may return. Let the patriarch of your family think through what you should do. You don’t want me to pay another visit to the Wolfendens.” Kennedy and Konnor did not have the courage to comment further while Kayson left the Allen mansion right away.

The news of Steelification Doyen and the others’ deaths spread like wildfire after Kayson’s departure.

Falon expressed his disbelief as he looked at the person who reported the news to him in a hotel nearby the Allen mansion. “Tell me again, who’s dead!?”

“Steelification Doyen and his two other mentees, none of them survived.”

Falon sat on the chair in a daze and said in a distracted manner, “How can that be possible… That’s Steelification Doyen… He’s actually… killed by Kayson?”

‘Does it mean that my family sided with the wrong person?’

Shyla had also received the news in a hotel located somewhere else. Her beautiful eyes appeared to be in a daze, and she was distracted momentarily.


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