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My Fabulous Girl Boss by Evergreen novel Chapter 359

Chapter 359

Captain Whitman’s expression was gloomy in the police car, and there was no telling what was on his mind.

Meanwhile, Desmond and the others seemed to have awakened.

Captain Whitman said casually, “Are you awake, Desmond?” Desmond looked at him with a slight change of expression. However, he smiled soon enough and said, “It’s you, Captain Whitman!” Captain Whitman nodded. “Bet you didn’t expect you’d be detained by me again.” Desmond sniggered and said, “It’s definitely a great thing for me to be detained by you, Captain Whitman. I figure someone will call you to release us in just a few minutes.”

Captain Whitman’s expression turned solemn, and he said coldly, “Dream on.”

Desmond said sarcastically, “That’s not up to you…” Meanwhile, Captain Whitman’s phone rang.

Desmond laughed aloud and said, “Look, there’s the call, right?” Captain Whitman had yet to pick up the call when the smile on Desmond’s face was suddenly frozen. Then, his body convulsed, his face turned ghastly pale, and he was having trouble breathing Captain Whitman was shocked. “Make a detour to the hospital!” The two police officers checked on Desmond, but he stopped breathing shortly after. Captain Whitman was incredulous. “Did he just have a myocardial infarct?’ ‘Is Desmond suffering from heart disease?’ The other two subordinates regained consciousness as well. However, they were giggling at all times as if they were mentally retarded. Captain Whitman inhaled a deep breath and sat there without speaking. He could not help feeling a shiver down his spine at the thought of Kayson!

Sean greeted Kayson upon his return and said, “Sheldon has been trying to meet you multiple times. He lashed out at The Tetrad frequently during the recent meetings.”


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