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My Fabulous Girl Boss by Evergreen novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371

Celeste said coldly, “Kayson isn’t a criminal.”

After that, she bid Julian and his wife goodbye. She called her parents and left together.

Christian’s face was grim. He liked Celeste very much. After all, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life. If he could make a pretty woman like Celeste his wife, it would make him look good in front of his relatives and friends. Bianca harrumphed. “This girl is getting ruder as she grows up!” Julian ignored his wife and said to Christian, “Don’t worry, son. I assure you that Celeste will become your wife.”

Kayson was taken to a dilapidated building. All of the rooms in this building were prison cells.

All fighters that had committed crimes were being detained here.


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