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My Fabulous Girl Boss by Evergreen novel Chapter 386

Chapter 386

Kayson was not interested in having a bickering match with Hans. Kayson knew that Jeremy was an efficient man and that Hans would see it from his point of view soon. While he was waiting, he decided to teach Gabriel some martial arts moves. He then asked Gabriel to practice in the toilet while waiting for the situation to fuse out. Despite Kayson assuring Wanda that all was fine, she was still worried. Kayson then probed her about her encounter with Hans. Apparently, Wanda’s father had offended an influential person and was sabotaged for quite some time now. Her father would not be able to last much longer.

Wanda had heard from her friend that there would be an influential person here tonight, so she wondered if she could network around and find an opportunity to help her father out of his tight situation.

Her father’s character was stubborn as a mule. He was not good at charming people and thus had offended a significant amount of people around him. That was why he still hasn’t been promoted to an important position even in his old age. The last few days, her father did not even go to the office and was found to be drinking by himself all day long. Her father was demoralized, and he was in a weak spot. That was why Wanda was eager to solve the problem quickly and how she had encountered Hans.

She wanted to network and create a connection, but Hans started touching her after having some shots with her. How would a girl like her be able to handle it?

Then Kayson arrived. Kayson found it slightly funny in a way-that city girls were sometimes less street smart than the mature ladies from his small town.

At Skyspring… Jeremy made a call to the head of the Perez family, Eddy.

Eddy was in the midst of a business discussion when he received an unexpected call from Jeremy.

Eddy answered the call very respectfully, “Mr. Tinsley, how are you?” Jeremy calmly replied, “Your son has offended someone he should not have crossed paths with. I wish you the best of luck.” He cut the call immediately after he finished his sentence. Eddy was stunned. Was it Hans who had offended someone he could not afford to offend? Who had Hans offended?


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