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My Fabulous Girl Boss by Evergreen novel Chapter 389

Chapter 389

After Hans left, Gabriel dragged Martin Jorge out and put him in front of Kayson. “Mr. Kace, Martin joined forces with Hans to ambush Wanda. How would you want to handle him?”

Martin was woken up. He was now trembling with fear, with no thoughts of fighting back. Kayson asked, “How do you guys usually handle it?” Gabriel recalled how Martin had hit him previously and felt a surge of anger. However, after thinking it through, he replied, “We would wipe him off from the surface of the earth.” Martin trembled uncontrollably from the fear he was feeling. “I still have some value. Mr. Bayfield, I still have value. Use me, please!”

Gabriel looked on nonchalantly. “You have no value at all to me!”

Martin knew that it was up to himself to save his own skin. “Mr. Yarde, after Sir Horacio died, the Clouspring underground world has been a mess. Even though Mr. Bayfield is by name the new leader, he is still unable to dominate everyone. I am willing to work under Mr. Bayfield. I will help him and be his arms. I will make sure he truly replaces Sir Horacio as the new underground world leader!”

Kayson looked disappointed and glanced at Gabriel. “Are you really that useless? Do you still not have under your control Horacio’s forces?”

Gabriel was frustrated. ‘Damn this Martin! How dare he shame me in front of Mr. Yarde!?’

“Mr. Kace, please give me some more time. I will definitely be able to take full control in a while.”


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