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My Flirtacious Husband (Genevieve and Armand) novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18

With that said, Genevieve left the banquet hall.

Cooper stared at Genevieve’s slender back as she left, and his calm demeanor finally faltered.

Ten minutes ago, she had rushed to the restroom in a pathetic state. After she came back, however, she returned to her prideful self.

Due to Genevieve’s strong stance, some guests already began to doubt the authenticity of the video played just now. Some guests even came over to ask Cooper about it, making the latter feel very awkward.

After dealing with all those bigwigs, Cooper went to the corner to make a phone call. “Get rid of all those videos online…”

After a pause, he added grimly, “Also, send someone to tail Genevieve twenty-four-seven for a few days!”

I want to see who’s the one helping her.

ple a good lesson in front of all

Genevieve felt satisfied after teachim

u those bigwigs. Her mood had seen Unlock succeeded

When she left the hotel, she saw a Maybach parked at the roadside.

“Ms. Rachford.” After Steven opened the car door, he complimented, “I have witnessed everything that happened in the banquet hall. You have done a good job.”

“Thank you for giving me the video.”

Steven shook his head. “I just did what I was told. You have to thank Mr. Faulkner.”

Genevieve was at a loss for words, and her lips twitched.

Previously, she had indeed thought that Armand was there to mock her, and she had hated him for a moment because of that. Unexpectedly, Armand had set up everything behind the scenes. He was just waiting for her to exact vengeance personally.

Everything he set up was really exciting…

Genevieve sat in the car and waited quietly. From time to time, she would take out her phone and scroll through Twitter.

She had already uploaded the video online, but Cooper was still one step ahead of her. He had already contacted the publicists to deal with the video and related articles. Thus, the

video did not go viral on the internet,

That did not matter to Genevieve. She was satisfied that she had used that video to embarrass Cooper and Erica.

“Mr. Faulkner.”

Just when Genevieve was looking at her phone, she suddenly heard Steven’s voice. Very soon, a figure entered the car

Armand had a faint scent of smoke and alcohol on him. The scent enveloped Genevieve like a net, and she instinctively straightened her back and leaned as far as possible to the other side of the car door.


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