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My Flirtacious Husband (Genevieve and Armand) novel Chapter 218

Genevieve did not know how long she was unconscious. By the time she came to, she was lying in a hospital ward, dressed in a patient’s gown.

Sunlight streamed in through the windows and warmed the ward slightly.

She tried to push herself up in bed and poured herself a cup of water from a jug on a nearby table.

Just then, someone opened the door.

Steven came in. When he saw that Genevieve was awake, he froze slightly in surprise. He quickly recovered himself and rushed over to help her.

“That’s fine. I’m feeling much better after a good sleep.” Genevieve rejected his help with a smile. She lifted the glass jug and poured herself a cup of warm water.

Steven’s gaze traveled over Genevieve’s face as she slowly sipped her water.

He was relieved to notice that some color had returned to her cheeks and that her gaze was more focused.

Steven only learned about Genevieve’s stress-induced miscarriage from Armand after he sent Patrick’s body for cremation. He feared she would try to take her life again over Patrick’s death.

Genevieve’s throat felt a lot less scratchy after she downed a cup of water. “How long have I been asleep, Steven?”

“Three days,” Steven replied honestly. “You were very stressed, and you—”

“I had a miscarriage, right?” Genevieve merely smiled and stroked her belly in the face of Steven’s nervous stutter. “I wouldn’t have wanted the baby anyway even if I hadn’t had a miscarriage.”

Steven tactfully changed the topic and asked, “You haven’t eaten in several days, Mrs. Faulkner. Would you like to get some oatmeal delivered here?”

“That would be nice. Thank you.” Genevieve nodded in response.

Steven hurriedly made a call, and ten minutes later, someone arrived with a steaming container of chicken oatmeal.

Genevieve got off the bed and approached the dining table in the ward. She opened the carrier and took out the chicken oatmeal. As she opened the takeout container, she asked Steven, “Has Patrick been laid to rest?”

The thought of his brother’s pale, lifeless face caused Steven’s heart to twinge in pain. He suppressed his sorrow and replied, “I was picking a burial plot for Patrick earlier, but there were some delays. He will be laid to rest the day after tomorrow. And also, Mrs. Faulkner…”


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