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My Flirtacious Husband (Genevieve and Armand) novel Chapter 268

Cooper stood up and took out a handkerchief from his pocket, handing it to Genevieve. The latter took it calmly and wiped off the blood from her face and hands.

As they walked toward the elevator together, Cooper asked Steven, “Are all the journalists here?”

“They’re in Conference Hall 3,” Steven answered. Striding to the front of the elevator, he held the elevator and gestured for Genevieve and the others to enter first.

“Hey! Don’t forget me!” Timothy hastily darted into the elevator.

“When everything has been settled, I’ll have Steven transfer that forty million back to you,” Genevieve stated, putting the bloodied handkerchief into her pocket.

Knowing that she wasn’t discussing it with him and would still have someone transfer the money over even if he declined, Cooper nodded.

“You just took over the position of the CEO of Central Group, so you’ve got to notify the journalists about it. Then, you have to hold an executive meeting and get acquainted with the company’s senior executives. Steven will teach you all this.”

Not only was Genevieve exceedingly calm when faced with Peter earlier, but she also later dealt with Mirrin with poise.

Thus, he believed that she would also be able to handle the press conference well.

“I know.” Genevieve’s eyes flickered for a moment before she added, “Our divorce back then caused a huge controversy. With me at Central Group now, the media will undoubtedly latch on to Specter Corporation.”

Cooper was startled for a moment, seemingly hadn’t expected her to have started taking that matter into consideration.

In the next instant, his thin lips turned up, and he flashed her an indulgent smile. “It’s okay. Just focus on Central Group, and I’ll handle the rest. With me here, Specter Corporation will be fine.”

“Okay.” Genevieve nodded.

After the elevator arrived at the designated floor, Steven accompanied Genevieve to the conference hall to meet the journalists.

Cooper pressed the button to close the elevator doors.


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