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My Flirtacious Husband (Genevieve and Armand) novel Chapter 274

News about Armand’s background and marriage was also widespread in Xedells.

The receptionists of the hotel instantly recognized Genevieve but didn’t know how they ought to address her.

“Check-in, please.” Steven put their passports on the counter and continued, “I need two rooms that are next to each other.”

“Sure.” One of the receptionists quickly assisted Steven with the check-in procedure.

After a while, Steven walked toward the elevator with Genevieve while holding the keycards. In the meantime, two receptionists craned their necks to look at Genevieve and began gossiping.

“She is Mr. Armand’s wife, right? I heard that she comes from a once-prominent family.”

Another receptionist responded, “Well, Mr. Armand’s background is a disgrace to the Faulkner family. The family won’t accept him.”

“Why is she in Xedells?”

“Considering Armand has Faulkner Group’s shares, she must be here to make a fortune!”

Throughout the afternoon, Genevieve stayed in her room to deal with all sorts of matters. She only realized that night had fallen when Steven knocked on her door.

As such, Genevieve quickly packed her things and left with Steven.

Camphor Hotel was located in the most bustling area in Xedells. Genevieve and Steven only had to take a turn to arrive at Ambrosia, the most well-known club in the city.

Therefore, Genevieve and Steven decided to walk to Ambrosia.

The club was established a hundred years ago and wasn’t damaged by any artillery since then.

The club’s exterior design was resplendent, reflecting luxury and enjoyment. On both sides of the staircase were two statues of mystical beasts with wide-opened mouths. Genevieve couldn’t help but feel they would devour anyone who entered the club.

At that time, the club was bustling with many luxury cars parked around it.

After checking their member cards, the valet politely invited them to enter the club. Soon, a receptionist who wore a uniform came closer and greeted them.

Genevieve said to the receptionist, “We need a private room. When Mr. Peter is here, please invite him to come in directly.”


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