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My Gorgeous Aunty novel Chapter 40

The good show was officially on.

Sebastian sneered in his heart, but he looked at the sentimental Sinobravo and couldn't stop nodding in agreement with respects filled in his eyes.

Serena swept down Sebastian out of the corner of her eyes, and her delicate foot, which was straddling her right leg, quietly placed itself on his crotch while touching something and slowly moving it.

It was now summer, and Sebastian was wearing only a pair of pants, so he really didn't have much immunity to the harassment from a beautiful woman.

Harassment from Serena didn't stop there.

Surprisingly, she gently unzipped his pants with her small foot and slowly dug in.

Sebastian sighed in his heart while feeling that the first three boyfriends that Giovanna had high hopes didn't seem to be all rubbish.

Not many normal man could stand this kind of attack from Serena.

There was a soft thud, causing Serena's deftly moving feet to lurch.

The incompetent Giovanna who was unable to hold on any longer, slumped down on the table.

Sebastian might really have an ejaculation on the spot if this went on, so he took this opportunity to ask with concern while moving his body.

"Giovanna, you'd better go to your room and rest."

However, Giovanna didn't react, as if the alcohol had completely kicked in.

Serena retracted her foot quickly and nodded with agreement.

"Sebastian, help Giovanna to her room."

Sinobravo was a wheelchair user, and Serena and her relationship had just improved, so Sebastian was naturally on duty. He nodded and got up, and bent around the table.

Damn, his penis was arrogantly erected, and Sebastian would make a fool of himself if he walked with a straight back.

Giovanna's bedroom was on the far west side of the second floor, with a large space and pink decoration that didn't match her cold and arrogant appearance at all.

Just after entering the door, she broke away from Sebastian's embrace and whispered

"Next, it's up to you.

Take care!"

Sebastian's face was full of surprise as he replied.

"You're a pretty good drinker."

“Just fine! 10 of you could hardly match me.

It's my secret, and my dad doesn't even know about it."

Giovanna's boast made Sebastian a bit humiliated, but he couldn't refute her, so he could only snort disdainfully.

At this time, the night was late, Sinobravo in a bad physical condition had long been unable to remain steady with successive yawns and tears in his eyes.

Sebastian, of course, was considerate enough to ask him to go back to his room and sleep in peace first, and said he wouldvisit him again on another day.

The future son-in-law was able to persuade his beloved daughter to accept Serena, which gained the approval of the Sinobravo, and he said that he could still hold on for a while.

It was Serena who persuaded him to go back to his room and said she would take Sebastian, who was also somewhat drunk, home safely, before Sinobravo reluctantly agreed and instructed her to be safe on the road and took care of herself.

Serena nodded repeatedly, just like how Sebastian had assisted Giovanna, and helped Sinobravo back to his room.

As the sound of the door closing came, the entire villa fell silent.

"The person who put up Giovanna on the OF Killer platform shouldn't be Serena.

She shouldn't have to go to that much trouble to kill Giovanna, should she?"

Sebastian, who was waiting in boredom, had his thoughts interrupted by the sound of footsteps in the corridor on the second floor.

When Serena reappeared in Sebastian's sight, she had already changed back into the black cheongsam.

Not really!

This cheongsam was also black, the embroidered pattern was similar, but the height of the slit was more high than the one she wore earlier in the evening,

almost to the base of her thighs.

Especially when she was holding the railing with her left hand while stepping slowly down with her red thin high-heeled leather sandals, her eyes looked at Sebastian with affection, her delicate and snow-white legs, flashed with the corners of her dress from time to time.

Partly hidden and partly visible, it was the climax for a mature woman to release her charm, and Serena knew it very well.

Both the father and daughter of the Campbell family were in their rooms, and in the large villa, it was just her and Sebastian.

Now she no longer had the slightest scruple, as she walked modestly behind him while biting her lips lightly, laughing silently and twisting her slender waist with a great deal of style

Without waiting for Sebastian to turn around, Serena wrapped her arms around his neck, her small mouth smelling of wine was close to his ear, and when her teeth gently bit his earlobe, her left hand had already reached under his collar.

"The little villain who dares to seduce his future mother-in-law can't stay in my house tonight."

Sebastian had no intention to stay in the Campbell's house overnight.

Serena, who said this, was frankly telling him that it was really inconvenient at home because of Giovanna, they should go out for the romantic night.

The small hand was darting around in the clothes while lightly pinched down from time to time, let Sebastian just felt the pain but disappeared immediately, followed by instantly rising goose bumps titillation. Only an ambiguous master could control it well.

At the same time, Sebastian's head was buried in a deep cleavage.

"Little devil, we should go now.

Otherwise, Giovanna will get angry once she wakes up and sees you molesting me like this."

Serena said Sebastian molested her, but in reality he did nothing, and the small hand that was roaming in his clothes, clinging to the small of his back, reached over the belt.

As Sebastian pressed on, his eyes seemed to have two fires burning in them, and his voice was a little dry as he said

"No, can't let her see that.

I, I'm leaving."

"I'll drive you."

Serena laughed soundlessly and daintily while retracting her hand.

"How embarrassing would that be to bother you, Aunt Serena?"

Sebastian's fake polite look caused a sneer to flash across Serena's eyes.

She'd had three nights like this within the last two years.

Those young men who were compelled by Giovanna came fiercely to trouble her ended up prostrating themselves at her feet like dogs begging for mercy, just so they could actually kiss her pussy.

But she winked and rejected them mercilessly while lifting her foot and kicking them out, then waving the evidence in her hand and turning to curl away.

Chapter 40 The Show is Officially On 1

Chapter 40 The Show is Officially On 2

Chapter 40 The Show is Officially On 3


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