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My Hot Stepfather novel Chapter 17




After crying for a long time and begging him to drive me back home. He finally did of course after he yelled at me for a very long time.


But eventually, his eyes softened and he wore his pants and asked me to get dressed and I guess I was so lucky because he didn’t fuck me by force or anything.


He stopped by a shopping mall on our way and I couldn’t say anything and I didn’t give a shit to ask or even to look where he went.


I just glued in my passenger seat wiping my tears to not make my mom find out what happened. After all, I betrayed her trust, I got fucked by her husband which was something unforgivable even so if my mother was the worst mother ever.


And to be honest I just realized that she was a just workaholic mother, she gives me what I want and she never abused me to beat me up like other parents. She was good to me somehow in her own way.


After a few minutes waiting in the car for dave. He came up and started up the car raising the speed as if he wanted to take us to hell at that moment.


While I didn’t care, I didn’t ask him to slow down. And I didn’t look at him at all. I rolled down the window on my side and just started out thinking of what I should do next with him.


He said clearly that I’m his and I will be forever and being with someone else would just turn him mad.


But struggling with my own thoughts just hit me with only one solution. Which was avoiding him until the start of the college and moving out to a dorm at that time? Which was too close, we were already in our final exams and prom was so soon which I was asking myself who would be with me in this dancing party?! Obviously, Jack won’t dare do this and if he didn’t then no one else will dare.


But I don’t know if I was lucky or if it was the beginning of my worst nightmares ever.


Because once we reached the house, we spotted two Ferrari black and red ones in our garage.


That made me curious but all I did, I handled my clothes and hurriedly walked from the back stairs for the servants to sneak to my room. I couldn’t meet anyone in that case with messing hair and without a string. I looked so pathetic back then.


And I did that, I didn’t glance back even for once at dave. I didn’t know what he was going to do. I just disappeared like a ghost in seconds to my second story room.


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