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My Hot Stepfather novel Chapter 2




I took more than an hour to get dressed in my school uniform. I was late but I was so nervous to face Dave now, especially since he was driving me to school. He had gotten me a car with a driver because he didn’t let me drive or take driving lessons. He said he was afraid that I might get in an accident. He was protective, I admit that.


However, any normal father would let his daughter drive especially, since I was 18 years old and not a kid. All my school friends had their own cars and my school wasn’t so far. It only takes five minutes to reach.


But I didn’t think that he was possessive that much. I didn’t recognize that until everything started to bloom suddenly. It was as if I had pressed a button when I touched his body by accident.


Finally, I finished and weirdly he didn’t come up to my room to rush me. I hesitantly grabbed my backpack and walked down the stairs. I was hoping that he might have gone to his company or to one of his meetings because I didn’t know how I could face him. We didn’t do anything but I still felt that I was different and my cheeks were red and hot.


I lowered my gaze but still searched for him. I sighed in relief when I didn’t see him anywhere but only to be startled when I felt his hand on my back. “So, why did you take so long?” he asked and I almost skipped a few beats of my heart.


I turned my body slowly and blinked shyly, “I was taking a shower.” Fuck! What the hell did I just say to him? I finished the shower an hour ago and he handed me the towel.


For fuck sake, this was an awkward situation.


He narrowed his eyes and chuckled awkwardly, as if trying to figure out what was happening to me. I guess he didn’t feel what I felt and that’s why he didn’t look so different. He was still treating me in the same way as his daughter!


Of course he treated me normally! He loves my mom and besides, he was really my father.


I covered my face from embarrassment, trying to cover my red cheeks. “Let’s just go. I’m late.” I diverted the subject.

He nodded and said, “Okay, let’s go.”


He didn’t say anything. He just strode to the car and I hopped in the passenger seat next to him. I rolled the window down, quietly staring at the street because I wanted to avoid his eyes.


Once we arrived, I hopped out of the car and waved at him but one of my classmates stopped me, “Oh, vanilla.” And out of blue, he kissed my cheek.


I widened my eyes at him. Jack was somehow the jock and the heartthrob of the school. He had asked me before to be his girlfriend but I didn’t give him an answer yet. I just ignored him, not because he was intending to take my virginity. I never thought of that because I was sure he wanted my virginity and to taste my sexy body. But I really didn’t like the guy. So to appear out of nowhere and kiss my cheek, that wasn’t something usual and we weren’t that close actually.


But something weird happened. I glanced back to only notice that Dave didn’t drive away. He was still in the car and shouted my name, “Vanilla. Get in the car now!!”


It was the first time that he yelled at me and commanded me sternly in that way.


I didn’t know what to do except fake a smile to Jack and get into the car.


Once I closed the door of the car, he drove very fast as if racing with other cars. “What’s going on? Are you intending to kill us today?” I said to him and he halted the car in the middle of the street.


He didn’t say anything but he seemed to be very angry. He rubbed his face with his hands. I dared to ask him, “What happened? Have I done something wrong dad?”


Yeah, I was calling him dad or Dave but most of the time it was dad.



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