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My Hot Stepfather novel Chapter 20




Surprisingly vanilla didn’t leave the house on that day and she stayed in her room. I was shocked, to be honest. She was acting in a strange way. And to be honest I was doing my best to avoid her. Just by one look of her piercing blue eyes, I was melting. I loved her so much more than she could even think. I wasn’t a teenager to do not differentiate between a fling or sexual relations and love.


But what she didn’t know about me that I have never been in love ever before.


For somehow I didn’t even think that I might fall hard until that girl took my heart without giving me a notice. I didn’t mean to love her and I stopped myself as much as I could. But with her confession to me and touching her and kissing her sexy lips and later making love to her?! That made me attached to her more. I thought I could control myself as a dominant man but something inside me has changed since she asked me to get back to our normal relationship as father and daughter.


It hurt me and left me with a broken heart. But I figured out that I should change my bad temper and myself for her. That I should respect her wishes to not lose her.


For me… being next to her even as a father was all I wished and hoped to be. I just prayed to god that something could happen to change her mind. I wished for a miracle to turn the table upside down.


And somehow everything was getting cozier again. Especially when I told her that I’m leaving the house for a couple of days for a business trip abroad.


I was shocked by vanilla running after me on the stairs to stop me. But she fell down and hurt herself. But as a quarterback after checking her leg, I realized that she had a broken leg and I couldn’t let her alone and go. I canceled my business deal and took her to the hospital immediately to make a full checkup on her leg and yes, I was right. She broke her leg and her screams squeezed my heart. I was so worried about her and I wanted to hug her, maybe that would loosen the pain.


When we arrived back home, I carried her to her room and placed her gently on her bed. I asked the maids to watch her and help her. But she screamed again and that made me freeze in my place. I couldn’t go out and leave her alone in this case.


I bent closer to her leg worriedly asking her “oh my god! Are you okay now?”


She shook her leg and a few tears rolled down to her cheeks “no! I’m broken and it hurts. I can’t move.”


I chuckled lightly at her words, she was funny with a high sense of humor even so she was crying painfully “don’t worry I will take care of you.”


She pouted her lips smelling her shirt in disgust “I need to take a shower! I smell so bad.” Honestly, I didn’t smell anything. Her body scent was breathtaking for me.


I said “well, I could ask the maid to help you. I will carry you to the bathtub and she will…” but she cut me off.


She blurted out explaining “no I didn’t get used to being bare in front of anyone else even if she was a woman and you know that!” and yes actually she didn’t do that before. She was the kind of shy girl.


Chapter 20 1

Chapter 20 2


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