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My Hot Stepfather novel Chapter 9





“If you have only one day left in your life, what will you do?” Jack asked me out of blue, making my eyes squeeze and come back from my zone.


“What?” I asked in curiosity. I didn’t even know what I was thinking of. I didn’t notice that our class was finished.


He repeated with a serious tone this time. “What would you do if you figured out that you only have one day left in your life?”


I chuckled awkwardly. “I don’t know.” For some reason, I tensed for that question. I stood up and grabbed my books, annoyed.


He pulled my arm, stopping me and stared at me emotionlessly. “What’s the matter?! It's supposed to be a fun question.”


I raised an eyebrow and slammed my books angrily to the desk “Oh yeah? Then tell me what you would do? Give me your answer.” I crossed my arms over my chest, staring at him coldly.


He cupped my cheeks and smiled lightly. “I would choose to be with you.”


I laughed hysterically, mocking his fake facial expressions. “What the fuck Jack?! You are a badass actor. Do you know what? You are not like my dad for sure. He never lies.” I pushed his hands away and grabbed my books storming, out of the classroom to the lockers. I shoved the books inside and hurriedly called Dave. He answered from the first ring as he normally does. “Dad, please come and pick me now.” I was talking in a breathless tone as if I was running and panting.


“Vanilla! What’s the matter? Do you feel sick again? The flu or the fever?” Dave worriedly asked me. I could hear the noises of his steps, already walking.


He asked me but at the same time, he didn’t waste a minute talking. Once I call, he comes for me without thinking twice.


Sometimes I feel selfish because I never ask him first where he was or what he was doing. I just interrupt and fuck up his meetings all the time.


“No nothing. I just don’t feel okay. I want to go anywhere else to hang out, eat something. Please send me the driver or anything.” I tried to explain to him but actually, I was saying nonsense.


But even so, he asked me, “Why a driver? I’m coming for you now. Ten minutes and I will be in the parking lot of the school.”


I sighed in relief. “Thank you dad.” And we hung up.



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