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My Hunted Mate novel Chapter 52


Another loud growl of frustration erupts from my chest, following me glaring at the stupid rock that holds my gifts. The cold air whips my hair straight into my face, only making my annoyance grow as I brush it away from my eyes and tuck it behind my ear.

" You still can't get it? " Dahlia questions, walking through the grass with two mugs in her hands. I watch as she takes her seat under the gazebo with Lila, handing her one of the mugs.

" No, and Kai is being weird about me go to Helena's if I'm not able to protect myself. " I tell her.

" Pretty understandable, you were just kidnapped. " Lila points out, making me huff.

" I know that. " I mumble.

" And you're with child. " Dahlia adds, making me glare at her.

" Trust me, I know that. " I say, gesturing toward my huge bump.

Dahlia holds her hands up in surrender, then she throws her arm around Lila's waist, pulling her closer. Turning back to the colourful piece of rock, I enclose it in my palms, shutting my eyes and trying to chant again, breathing out harshly when I don't feel anything happening.

" Uh.. Cori? " Lila calls, her voice low. I hum in response, letting her know I am listening. " Aren't your.. powers stuck in the rock thingy? "

I glance over at her, noticing the slight blush on her cheeks. " Yeah, why? " I ask.

" Well I was just thinking, you're trying to use magic that you don't have to get the magic out of the rock and I guess, i don't know, I was just... " She trails off, the blush on her face deepening.

Even though Lila is comfortable here now and has grown into herself as a vampire, I still somehow manage to get thrown off by her shyness. Dahlia watches her with completely admiration as she stumbles over her words, rubbing her hand up and down Lila's side in a way of comforting her.

When she gathers herself, she continues. " I was just thinking, why don't you like, break it? "

My eyebrows shoot up as I consider what she is suggesting, it crosses my mind that it could be risky to destroy the thing that is holding my gifts, but at the same time, what if it's just that easy?

With a deep sigh, I shrug my shoulders, then awkwardly and very ungracefully start to try pick myself up from my seat on the grass, when I find myself unable to get up, I let out another growl of frustration.

Dahlia and Lila both burst out laughing at my struggle, until I shoot them a death glare, shutting them both up. Dahlia hands her mug to Lila, then moves over to me and helps me up off the ground, I mumble a thank you to her, as she wanders back over to her mate.

Examining the rock in my hand for another moment, I decide to just bite the bullet and I toss it with all my force directing at the bricks surrounding the gazebo, both the brick and the rock crack down the middle.

A sudden rush of pain cuts through me and I collapse to my knees with an agonising scream, that gives off a burst of energy just like the first time I was reunited with my gifts.

Fifty Two 1

Fifty Two 2


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