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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“When we were married and my father forced me to sign a lifetime contract to solely work for the Smith family, I had no choice but to do so because I love you so much that I would do everything for you."

"When I first started working for our family business and my father didn't pay me as I was supposed to be paid because he said you married me for my money and you'll take our money and live, I trusted you, but I couldn't convince my father because he has never trusted my judgement since I was a child."

"I had no choice but to continue working, even though he was paying me less than my actual salary because I thought they would realise you loved me, and change, but that didn't happen. When you got pregnant with our child and went into work. while I was on a business trip and they refused to send you to the hospital, saying you're not a family member even though they knew you were My wife and you could die together with our child if not given help on time."

“I was disheartened and felt humiliated, I felt guilty because I wasn’t there to help you in the most difficult moment of your life, what’s worse! you were bringing our little angel into this world. I went to my dad and begged him to let me and my family leave the Smith family but he refused and said I signed an agreement If I can’t own to it, I better divorce you”.

“I couldn’t imagine my life without you or our little girl so I decided to stay and work in the Smith group but on that day I promised myself to work harder and make sure that you and our daughter have a bright future even when I’m not around”.

“I called one of my friends whom I went to college with, we meet and I told him about my problems with my family. I wanted him to find me a Job I can work secretly without the Smith family knowing and he told me the best news that changed my life”.

“There was a company that was about to go bankrupt and there share holder are selling out their share. And if I had money I can buy shares because according to his investigation, the current problem of the company is temporary. Within a few months it will go back to normal”.

"I had money left to me by my grandparents that even my parents didn't know about because it was given to me, when I turned twenty, because they never loved or showed any affection to me, I couldn't tell them about it, so I kept it a secret from everyone."

“When my friend told to buy shares in a company that was about to go bankrupt, I was scared at first but I said why not try out even if thing doesn’t go back to normal, at least I can put a few changes in the company to make it work”.

“I bought 85% of the company shares in our daughter’s name, making us the biggest share holder and the owner of the company”. Within a few months the company grow and as the years went by it’s now the leading company in City A.


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