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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100

Two weeks after the smith family party, Sandra went to visit her hostage. As soon as she entered where they were rocked, they started insulting and cursing her. She said, “wow it seems they have taken good care of you if you can still talk but don’t worry after today you will not.”. the way she was saying it was as if they’re not humans but some sort of animals.

Seeing her like that, they knew they have to cool down if they want to get out of her hands. They don’t care if they are in prison as longer as they are out of here. The past two weeks has been heal to them. Her people have touched them to the extent that they wished to die but they knew that can happen she wants them arrive. So They asked her, “what do you want from us?”. Her cousins said, “its our parents and grandparents who made your family surfer why don’t the remain with them and leave us alone”.

She smiled when she saw how humble they are. For the past two years she has been with them this was the first time she saw them scared and humbled. too bad for them she’s not someone who will easily change her mind or feel sorry for anyone.

She looked at her cousins and said, “I knew what you planned to do at the party”. “huh”. They all wondered how did she know their plans they were very careful not to alert anyone. They thought she was playing with them so that they can say the truth so they said, “we were planning nothing”

“Are you sure about that?”. She asked them her voice now changed. They looked at each other. They all planned something on that day so they don’t know whose plan were revealed to her. They would rather die than accepting the truth. So they said, “we were planning nothing why are you forcing us to admit something we did not do”. Sandra laughed at them and said, “by now you should know that I don’t say something without having prove so please don’t make me force you to say it. The truth I don’t need you to tell me because I already know what I wanted to but I’m telling you this to know the reason why you are here.”

“huh, you’re crazy absolutely crazy. If you already know the truth then why ask us I swear you will never go to heaven you and your family will never have peace.”, “don’t worry dear ex cousins you’re not the only one who has cursed like that but you see I’m hear enjoying life while them somewhere where they can not even say hello to the world.”. it was now that they knew they have been praying with fire not knowing it will burn them one day. They looked at her with mixed emotions. Stacey her worst enemy asked, “why did you have to pretend when you came back?”.


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