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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Just as she was lost in her thoughts, a familiar voice called out to her, "Miss Sandra, Mr. Anthony is waiting for you inside." She looked up to see who was calling and realized it was William, Levy Smith's personal assistant.

She smiled at him and replied, "Thank you, please lead the way." As they entered the office, William informed her, "Miss Sandra, you can go in. Mr. Levy is inside." Sandra smiled again and walked into the office.

Upon entering, her eyes met a man who was as breathtakingly handsome as a jade sculpture. His face was chiseled and his eyes sparkled with a mesmerizing shade of blue. He was so strikingly beautiful that one might mistake him for an angel rather than a mere mortal. Sandra was momentarily stunned before regaining her composure.

She politely asked, "Please forgive me, are you Mr. Levy Anthony?" Levy, hearing the enchanting voice that he had ever heard, turned to face her. What he saw left him utterly amazed. He never expected his wife to be so stunningly beautiful, as if she had descended from the heavens themselves.

He had heard William mention that he would be marrying the "ugliest, stupid, good-for-nothing" daughter of the Smith family. Therefore, Levy came prepared to meet someone he assumed would be unattractive. To his astonishment, he was faced with the most breathtaking woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her radiance and demeanor were not those of someone raised in a humble village but rather of a queen who commanded the world. It made him question whether he had received accurate information about her.

As Sandra greeted him once again, he snapped out of his stupor. Levy composed himself and said, "I apologize for my earlier confusion. I am Levy Anthony, and if I'm not mistaken, you are Sandra Smith."

Sandra smiled at him and said, "Yes, it's me. Nice to meet you. Let's begin with the registration." Her demeanor surprised Levy. It was the first time someone had treated him with indifference, as if they hadn't even noticed his presence.

Instead of feeling frustrated, he felt a sense of intrigue and satisfaction. He thought to himself, "This is even better than I had thought." In that moment, he believed he had finally encountered his equal, someone as aloof and mysterious as himself.

Keeping his emotions in check, Levy flashed a composed smile and responded, "Very well, let's proceed." The registration process proceeded smoothly, and within a matter of minutes, they were formally declared as husband and wife. As they glanced at their marriage certificate before leaving the registration office, a subtle aura of mystique surrounded them.

On their way out, Sandra halted Levy and spoke in a cool, detached tone, "Mr. Anthony, if you ever find yourself regretting this marriage, remember that you are free to seek a divorce. I will not impose myself on you."

Levy's gaze lingered on her for a few seconds, his expression impassive. He replied with a hint of iciness, "Miss Sandra Anthony, allow me to assure you that when I made the decision to marry you, divorce was never a consideration, not in this lifetime. In this union, there is no room for separation, only the possibility of widowhood." With that, he gestured for her to follow him, leading her towards their shared home.


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