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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Levy noticed Sandra's shyness and attempted to reassure her, saying, "You're my wife. There's no need to be shy. You can do whatever you want with me. I am all yours."

However, his words only made Sandra blush even more. Feeling increasingly embarrassed, she turned to one of the maids who was cleaning and asked, "Could you please show me to my room?"

Sandra felt that if she didn't leave the situation, she might end up embarrassing herself further. The maid looked at Sandra, then glanced at Levy, unsure of what to say. As she tried to find the right words, Levy, who was standing nearby, spoke up, saying, "Wife, allow me the honor of showing you to our room."

Sandra was taken aback. She hadn't expected to share a room with Levy. She looked at him, ready to voice her objections, but before she could speak, Levy gazed into her eyes and preemptively addressed her concerns.

"My dear wife, this is the Anthony family's home. Every member of the family has their own room, so we will be sharing a room as husband and wife," Levy explained.

He continued, "Don't worry, I won't force you into anything unless you ask for it, you know." Sandra couldn't believe how shameless Levy Anthony was. She shouted his name in disbelief. Levy quickly changed the subject, maintaining a composed expression as if the shameless remarks hadn't come from him.

"Let's go, and I'll show you our room," he said, redirecting the conversation.

They proceeded to the second floor, where Levy first showed Sandra his study and informed her that she was welcome to use the space for her own activities or to seek a peaceful environment. He registered her fingerprint for the smart lock on the door.

Next, he led her to their bedroom, which was spacious and featured a large window overlooking the swimming pool. He showed her the attached bathroom and the closet. Sandra was surprised to find the closet filled with women's clothes. Before she could ask him about it, Levy addressed her thoughts.


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