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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21

So, even for people with money, power, status, and fame, who loved their daughter deeply and didn't want to miss out on her upbringing, what drove them to leave their only daughter in the village to be raised by strangers?

She acknowledged that her great-grandparents' friends were kind-hearted individuals who had raised her as their own granddaughter. Through their love, guidance, and protection, she had grown up and become the person she was today.

Her attention snapped back when the maid asked if she had eaten or if they should prepare food for her. She replied that she had already finished lunch and would be going out, promising to return in the evening.

Without waiting for the maid's response, she swiftly made her way to the door, where a man dressed as a chauffeur approached her. "Young madam, are you going somewhere? If so, please allow me to take you there."

She observed him for a moment before providing him with the address and settling into the backseat of the car.

Back at the Smith family mansion, all the members of the family had gathered, their faces bearing an unpleasant expression. It was evident from a single glance that their lunch had not gone as planned.

The maid greeted them politely, but Stacey and her mother Jane responded with insults, demeaning her. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence, and George was the first to break it.

"Dad, did we miss something about the Anthony family?" George questioned, his brows furrowed with confusion.

"If that guy who was with Sandra at the Brovard restaurant is really Levy Anthony, how come he doesn't match the description of being ugly? Secondly, the car he was driving was a limited edition Lamborghini, one of only two in the entire world, and both were mysteriously purchased. Even the manager of Brovard restaurant personally came to welcome them. This isn't something a worthless person can achieve," George reasoned, trying to make sense of the situation.

"He has never been a decent person, let alone someone who cares about customers. Even the security guard chased us away and warned us that we had messed with the wrong person. We should pray that he doesn't escalate things further," George added, concern evident in his voice.

"Who could be more powerful than the Jacksons, the Smiths, and even Eza Entertainment? They seem insignificant in his eyes," George continued, his tone filled with awe and disbelief.

"At that time, the only people we had a dispute with were Sandra and Levy Anthony. We know Sandra and her family so well, so it's impossible for it to be her doing. That leaves only Levy," George concluded, his voice trailing off. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together, painting a picture of an enigmatic and formidable figure in Levy Anthony.


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