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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Upon entering the study, Andrew Smith gestured for Levy to take a seat and then began speaking, "I called you here because I can see how much you love my daughter. From the way you look at her, I can tell it's the same way I look at my wife. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her." Andrew's words were meant to create a comfortable atmosphere and assure Levy of his understanding.

He continued, "Please take good care of my daughter. She is innocent and naive, still young in this world, and could easily become a target for many people." Hearing Andrew describe Sandra as innocent and young, Levy couldn't help but glance at him, wondering if her parents truly understood their daughter. In the short time he had spent with Sandra, he had already realized that she possessed a level of cunning and ruthlessness that surpassed many. Could such a person truly be considered innocent? Nonetheless, he agreed to Andrew's request and replied, "Don't worry, Father-in-law, I will protect her and ensure not even a single scratch comes upon her."

Andrew then said, "Since you have married my daughter, you should call me Daddy from now on, and this home is your home. Your sole responsibility is to look after my daughter and take care of her." With those words, they exited the study room.

Upon returning to the sitting room, Sandra and her mother were engaged in conversation. Levy and Andrew gestured for them to take their seats. Sandra couldn't help but ask Levy, "Did my dad make things difficult for you?"

Levy replied, "No, everything is fine." Sandra's father interjected, teasingly saying, "You've only been married for a few days and you're already biased towards your husband. What will happen if you're married for years?"

Sandra glared at her father, causing everyone to burst into laughter. However, she was so furious that she was about to walk away. Sensing her anger, Levy quickly intervened, saying, "She's my wife, so she has to take care of me. What's wrong with that? Besides, you have your wife, so let her take care of you too."

Matilda, Sandra's mother, attempted to change the topic and create a lively atmosphere. She asked Sandra if she had prepared everything she needed for school and at what time she would be leaving. Sandra's parents expressed their desire to accompany her on her first day of school, as they had never had the opportunity to do so during her high school years.


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