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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Levy’s mother was coming from a humble family if it wasn’t for his grandparents he may not have married her, After their marriage his parents always insulted his wife and children, even when he took over the position of the family head they never respected her nor did they give her the position of the mistress of the Anthony family until his son took over at the age of seventeen and made his position clear.

Levy's ruthless nature had instilled fear in the members of the Anthony family, causing them to become more affectionate towards him and his wife. They believed that they could now approach Levy and speak on their behalf, knowing the consequences if they crossed him.

Levy's father couldn't help but wish that he had possessed the same heartlessness and ruthlessness as his son. He also wished that his wife wouldn't be as fearful of the Anthony family as she currently was. Despite her background from a humble village, he took pride in the fact that his daughter-in-law knew her rights and how to protect herself from the deceitful members of the Anthony family. However, he also felt a sense of sorrow for her, knowing that she would inevitably become a target of the cunning and malicious wolves within the family.

After the shock had settled, the elderly Mr. and Mrs. Anthony bid farewell to the younger generation and retreated to their bedroom. They were unable to refute anything Levy had said. Over the past years, since assuming the position of family head, Levy had become a formidable force, evoking fear in all who dared to challenge him. The family had once believed they could exert control over him through his wife, but it now seemed that Sandra might be even more relentless than Levy himself. Her resilience was akin to poison, making it difficult for them to manipulate her.

As they retired for the night, each member of the Anthony family was left with their own thoughts. Particularly, the second branch of the family had previously thought they could exploit Levy's wife to seize power and the position of family head. Yet, after witnessing Sandra's strength, they realized that their plans would be as futile as counting water.

As they headed to their respective rooms, each member of the Anthony family was consumed by their own thoughts. The second branch, in particular, had always believed they could manipulate Levy's wife to gain control over the Anthony family's power and position of family head. However, after witnessing Sandra's presence and strength, they realized it would be as futile as counting water.

Meanwhile, at the Smith family mansion, Stacey was getting ready for university, aiming to maintain her reputation as the campus belle. On the other hand, Stella was busy plotting how to make Mark Jackson commit to marrying her. Their parents, uncle, and grandparents were occupied with uncovering the true owner of Brovard restaurant and hotels, as well as investigating any potential connections between Levy Anthony and the Anthony family of the capital.

Back in Sandra and Levy's room, Sandra expressed her concerns about not being liked by his family. She felt cursed, as trouble seemed to follow her wherever she went, even without provocation. Levy reassured her, emphasizing that her family's opinions didn't matter. As his wife and the head mistress of the family, she had her rights and his protection. He assured her that no harm would come to her from his family.

He urged her to focus on school instead of worrying about others. Confirming that she had packed everything she needed, Sandra asked if Levy would be taking his sister to university. He replied that her parents would handle it.

The next day, Sandra and Levy woke up early to prepare for the drive to the university. They didn't want to be late on her first day. The maids had prepared breakfast for them, and as they were nearing the end of their meal, the members of the Anthony family entered the dining area.


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