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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Levy led Sandra towards the school gate, where they found her parents waiting for them. Seeing Levy and Sandra holding hands and chatting, her parents couldn't contain their happiness. They couldn't believe that their daughter, who usually disliked physical contact with others, would allow someone to touch her, let alone hold hands with a man she had only known for a few days. They wondered if their daughter was falling in love or if she had started to trust people and be more open with them.

However, they maintained their composure and greeted the couple. Sandra's mother couldn't help but become a bit emotional, saying, "Sandra, Levy, you're here! Come, come and give Mammy a hug. I can't believe my little angel is starting university today. You've grown up so much, and Mammy is so proud of you." Her eyes welled up with tears. Sandra, finding her mother's dramatic display amusing, rolled her eyes and said, "Mom, you can stop with the drama. I'm already a grown woman, and I'm married, mind you."

Her father, Andrew Smith, also expressed his pride, saying, "I'm so proud of you, my girl. I can't wait to see you graduate and become the best doctor in the world." Sandra playfully responded, "Dad, Mom, don't be too emotional. You'll make me cry, and if I cry, I'll look ugly in front of my husband. And that's not good for my image at all."

Everyone burst into laughter, including Levy, who typically didn't laugh much. William, Levy's personal assistant, stood nearby and couldn't help but smile. He believed that his boss may have found the right woman. Sandra's parents seemed like good people, and their love for their daughter was evident. With their love and protection, Sandra would be able to navigate life in the Anthony family more freely, which would bring peace to Levy's mind.

William was also curious. Why weren't these ordinary people afraid of his boss? Not many people had met Levy and remained so calm. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were just ordinary individuals, yet they showed no fear towards his master. He wondered if there was something beyond what they saw, if they had the right information about the Anthony family.

He pondered these thoughts but didn't dare voice them. In just a few days of Sandra being with his boss, he had witnessed the changes in Levy. If he wanted to live a free and happy life, he knew he had to stay away from Sandra and not cause any trouble with her. He laughed at himself, realizing that over the years, many people, especially women, had tried to build a relationship with him just to get closer to his mysterious boss, Levy. Now, he had to keep his distance from Sandra if he wanted to continue working for Levy.


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