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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Levy Anthony who was quite all along asked the principal, “is this the way your teachers behave, I’m so pleased with their behaviors” he said this smiling, to those who knows him knew that he was getting angry and the angry him is the scariest one.

Concerned by Levy's unusual expression, the principal hastily responded, "No, no, Mr. Anthony, this is not the way our teachers typically interact with students." Turning to Teacher Evelyn, the principal urged, "Please apologize to Mr. Anthony's wife immediately." Deep down, he seethed with anger at the disrespectful conduct of this teacher towards his benefactor, but he had to maintain composure as Sandra wished to keep their connection a secret.

Teacher Evelyn retorted, "What's there to apologize for, Principal? We all know that what I said is the truth. If she joins my class, she will pose a significant threat to the other students. Her presence may disrupt their performance, and I simply cannot tolerate that. I refuse to apologize."

Levy was on the verge of exploding in anger, but Sandra acted swiftly, interjecting, "Mr. Principal, even if this teacher accepts me, I will never join her class. If she's the only one teaching medicine, I would rather switch my course. I cannot bear being taught by such foolish instructors."

Laughter erupted in the room, with even the principal joining in, thinking to himself, "That's the girl I know. She will never allow anyone to trample over her, especially not this ignorant woman." As the laughter subsided, a knock at the door interrupted the tense atmosphere. The principal, irritated by the untimely interruption, pondered who could be knocking at his door at this hour.

However, realizing that it was the first day of school, he permitted the person to enter, assuming it might be a parent. Teacher Abby, standing at the door, stepped inside, only to find the principal's office filled with people. Initially taken aback, she quickly regained her composure and respectfully greeted everyone. The principal, upon seeing Teacher Abby, smiled warmly and introduced her to the others, saying, "This is also one of our teachers. She serves as the homeroom teacher for Class F in the Faculty of Medicine."

Upon learning that this kind-hearted teacher was also responsible for the medical class, Sandra, Levy, and their parents exchanged glances. Andrew Smith, who had remained quiet until now, spoke up, "If this teacher is also involved in the Faculty of Medicine, why not let my daughter join her class?"


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