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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38

After Teacher Abby left, Levy, his father, and father-in-law excused themselves to make a restaurant reservation and left Matilda and Grace to assist Sandra and Deborah.

Matilda and Grace immediately struck up a conversation, delving into the topic of motherhood and discussing their daughters' personalities. Matilda proudly described her daughter as quiet and easy-going, expressing her joy at having such a wonderful child. Grace couldn't help but wonder, "Who was the person insulting the entire family on their first meeting?" Nevertheless, she smiled and replied, "I look forward to having her as a daughter-in-law."

Observing the conversation between her mother and her future mother-in-law, Sandra couldn't help but question whether her parents truly knew her or if their perception of her was shaped by their unconditional love and belief in her perfection. She was also curious about her mother-in-law's response but was disappointed when she simply smiled, offering a response that didn't meet Sandra's expectations.

In the dormitory room, there were three beds, indicating that three people would be staying there. They each chose a bed, tidied up their belongings, and unpacked. Afterwards, they left to have lunch together. On the way to the dining area, Matilda and Grace continued their conversation, exchanging contact information and making plans to hang out and have family dinners in order to strengthen their familial bonds.

Upon reaching the dining area, they found the men waiting for them, engaged in a conversation centered around business and other family matters. Andrew, particularly proud of his daughter, expressed his sentiments and asked Matilda and Grace to take care of her.

Upon seeing the ladies approaching, the men stepped forward to welcome them. "Is everything ready?" they asked. "Yes, we're all set," came the reply.


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