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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43

His protection made her feel safe, even though his enemies may not be a big threat to her but his assurance to be there for her made her heart to have peace, for the past five to six years she was always scared that her enemies may hurt her family even though many don’t know her real names or where she comes from but that didn’t stop her from thinking the worst.

Her god grandparents died just two years ago and their death was mysterious she has not yet found out who was behind it, for the past two years she has been searching but she got nothing, that made become more interest in that case at the same time scared for her parent’s safety, but after finding out their identities she didn’t know if she should be warried about them or happy that they can protect themselves but that again added to the list of her enemies what worse even her husband is not as ordinary as the world knows.

She wondered to herself, " was this what they call blessing in a disguise or?" Many people would wish to leave her life in fact she’s also proud but it comes with a lot of trouble and very lazy to clean up the mess.

Her relationship with Deborah, her mother and father in laws together with her parents also improved. They made mandatory to have lunch together every Sunday and speak about nothing but family. Her mother and Levy’s mother became so close as if they have known each other for so long.

Since they all faced hate from their in laws so they clicked so well, they had a common topic to talk about. Even Natasha become close to them. Sandra and Deborah treated her as family every weekend when they go for family lunch they will take her with them. She got close to them and for the first time in her life she felt how it is to have a real friend. She also knew that Sandra’s husband was so handsome, she has never seen someone as handsome as him, she said to herself, “they are really a couple made in heaven”. “where the heal did the rumors that her husband is ugly and poor come from?”, for the past month she has been in contact with them, she observed that one thing they did not care about was money.

She felt embarrassed at first because she thought that the reason for Sandra and Deborah to join university in the mid-year was because of money challenge but based on the cars they drive it may not be the case, she wondered what could be the reason but she was wise enough to know what to ask and what to say.

For Sandra and her family this was the best month ever, but for the smith family things are not going on well, the company stocks decline by ten percent, which ended up for them to make loss, the young generations especially the boys are fighting for money and power. Whenever they get a chance instead of looking after the company they find ways to still money.

The old man started regretting his decision of allowing Andrew and his family leave the family, he knew his elder kids were nothing but stupid, greed and always thinking about themselves, he was so sure that if he and the old woman gets so old they will not think trice sending him to the home of old people.


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