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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Levy came out of the bathroom and found Sandra not back in their bedroom, he wondered what could she be doing so he got down to know, as soon as he got their he heard the sound from the kitchen he couldn’t help himself but wonder, “don’t tell this woman is still cleaning utensils?” he felt bad for his utensils, he knew for sure that everything that was used today must be broken, he slowed his steps and got to, he stood at the door at looked at her, she was cleaning the mess she caused at the same time cursing herself for being cramsy.

He chuckled which made his presence known, seeing him standing on the door way crossing his arms around his chest, smiling at her, she cursed him and said, “you are not a man how can you let your wife do all this work standing their smiling at her misfortune”, Levy replied isn’t it a wife’s duty to look after her husband besides it was you who wanted to prove wrong but don’t worry even if you wish too, I will never late you step a foot in this kitchen I’m too poor to buy utensils everyday”.

After that he forwarded his hands indicating for her to take, she took it and pulled her in his embrace, she was caught off guard she did not expect him to pull her, so she fell in his embrace this was the first time the two of them got this close, yes they share the bed but they have never been this close they felt electricity learning through their body it was a new feeling that both couldn’t understand, they separated before they could lose control and do something that both are not ready for.

They were both shy since they have never been in a relationship, to break the awkward moment, Levy said, “we better get going, tomorrow you have to be up early for schooling”. Sandra faked a cough and walked passed him to their bed. By the time she reached to their bedroom, she was already in her mood she went straight to their bed.

Soon Levy joined her, Sandra took her time before she asked him, “don’t you have anything to ask me? like about the call I made in the car coming here”. Levy turned to look at her and said, “as much as love to know more about you, I really don’t want to force you to tell me anything against your will. We are together for our life time, I will know what ever I’m supposed to know about you so relax I trust you and if you ever need my help for anything please, please never hesitate”.

Sandra could not believe that the mysterious Levy Anthony would allow anyone at his side without knowing much about them, one again she felt happy and blessed to have agreed to marry him. She smiled at him and said, “thank you”.


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