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My Identities Were Revealed After Marriage novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Clara’s uncle asked, “who do you think you’re to make the manager come to you huh, even the vip customers can’t make him meet them, what are?”, before Sandra could answer him they heard a voice say, “the boss and the owner of this restaurant”, he moved closer to Sandra and bowed as a sign of respect to words her, he said “I’m sorry boss I didn’t know you will be coming here otherwise I would have welcomed you personally and take you to you private area, I’m sorry it’s my negligence, for you to be embarrassed in your own territory but don’t worry I’m going to fire him right away.”

From the moment they hard the manager’s voice saying Sandra was the boss and the owner of Lover’s restaurant to the moment h stood before her to apologize for his staff’s behavior everyone, from Levy, stance and her group, head supervisor her in laws and friend to her parents were shocked beyond imagination no one ever thought that Lover’s restaurant may be owned by someone who just turned twenty today above that it’s someone they know and have been leaving with.

When the head supervisor had what the manager say, he asked him, sir you mean this lady here is our boss as in the owner of this restaurant. He wanted to confirm this because he couldn’t believe his luck of all people he had to provoke it had to be his boss.

The manager looked at him as if his seeing a fool of all the words said he has not gotten the point. He was so angry at him since he has hard everything he said to his boss, when the head supervisor came Sandra sent a message to the manager telling him to hear how the people he has hired treat customers after she called him, all along the manager was on the phone hearing all the words said by the head supervisor, seeing him asking such a question he was so angry that he told him right way you are fire never show your face hear with your cousin and her group, hearing that his fired he said, “no, no, you can’t fire me you are our family friend”.

The manager said, “yes I’m your family friend but I don’t own this place and if I were you I will leave peacefully before provoking her more because you and your family will surfer more she’s someone you cannot provoke”. Stacey turned to Sandra and asked, “how many things are you hiding from our family, it was you the last time who brooked us from entering Brovard restaurant is it all so your property or your sugar daddies’ property we both know you can’t afford to have a place like this as yours”.


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